Club Vortex was located at 2215 Gottingen St from 2003 to February, 2005,1 The bar featured a dance section and dining room (MobeysEatery) and was licensed for 280 patrons.
In both sections, the bartops and table tops were poured concrete with a thick epoxy coating giving an organic feel, enhanced by wrought iron tables in Mobey's. The concrete work was done by Brook Colby, who also did Seven.
Bar staff founder/owner CarlMaxwell, the very hot LeeBent and Mikey, formerly of ToolBoxEast, chef Greg, BlaineLinden (who at one time ran LeCruz), and DJ SergeMartin.
Main bar.
DJ Booth.
Hardwood dance floor elevated with lighted in-floor strips and chaser light surround.
Popular events included FiveMinutesOfFame with LuLuLaRude and MobeysEatery's famous Sunday brunch (see MobeysBrunchReview).
Vortex got off to a mixed start. Patrons raved about the menu, atmosphere, decor, pianist and high-quality food service; however, many complaints were made about the bar's security staff. CarlMaxwell acknowledged as such, noting that they had "wreaked havoc" with DragQueens; as well, LeatherMen and UniformFetish types also experienced problems. In addition, people seemed to feel that cover and prices were too high, and that the crowd was becoming increasingly lesbian. Towards the end, food quality seemed to fall off a bit, and the much-enjoyed pianist went by the wayside, prompting more dissatisfaction.
An alleged fraud/theft scheme perpetrated by KeithFudge almost spelled the end of Vortex. See KeithFudge, ClubVortexTheft and ClubVortexTheftPressCoverage.
On December 3, 2004, PeterMoll, owner of Club NRG, became the owner. On February 27, 2005, Club NRG moved into the space.
Also see the page for comments and praise of the bar: ClubVortexRocks
This page is in the GayBars section of the HistoryProject.