Club NRG



Midsummer 2000
Club NRG opened at 2099B (basement) Gottingen St by PeterMoll
February 27, 20051
relocated from 2099B Gottingen St to 2215 Gottingen St. with ShowTunes, NRG's lounge and restaurant.
January, 2006
Club NRG2 Closed: The staff of ClubNrg wish to thank all of our patrons for your support over the past 5 plus years but all good things must come to an end. We will always hold you dear to our hearts and we will have our memories. Club NRG was one of the longest running gay bars in Halifax. On January 6, 2006 AmberWayves fetched the RJSC registration showing it revoked for nonpayment (which is normal for the end of a business.)

picDance Floor & Stage at 2099B Gottingen

As of January, 2006, NRG was currently represented by MzNrg AnitaMann, her MrNrg HarryDick (who you may also know as the current PrideAmbassador and the bar's security gal Kara) and MzLeatherNrg, HarmonyAngel.

After its relocation to 2215 Gottingen St, NRG hosted many successful community events such as BigGayKaraoke, the FetishBall, the FamilyPrideCampingAssociation Rainbow Spirit Auction, Mardi Gras and the IsCans King and QueenOfDiamonds pageant.

NRG's Web site ( hosted a listing of weekly and special events, the monthly top 30 songs from the bar's house DJ (currently DJ E-Leven)aka Brent, a copy of the ShowTunes menu, drag queen and staff photos and more.



ClubNrg and EvolutionCabaret are no longer in operation. A handwritten sign on the door states, closed until further notice. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

DivadDivine writes: Its really sad to see the bar closed!! Maybe someone else will try to open it back up.

Maybe some of the Hardworking Queens in the Community can open it up, since they care so much!

i'd go! they'd keep the spirit of the place.

The story making the rounds this week is that Peter sold the bar to new owners who are already in the food service business. Hopefully this means that the closure is temporary and that the new owners will give a breath of fresh air to the place. One suggestion is that they start off with new staff - keep the old ones and you are right back to what NRG was and the reason people stopped going.

I totally agree.

I too totally agree with the above writer

No new owners. The Registry of Joint Stock Companies still lists Peter as owner.

Did it ever occur that maybe they will be using another name and also note that all government offices are backlogged with paperwork right after the holiday season so I wouln't expect the RoJSC? to be putting changes on their website until they clear the stuff filed before Christmas. Last change I submitted for a company took almost 60 days from the day they stamped my paperwork as received to the time the changes were posted on the website.

4 Jan '06

OfficerDick writes: Something else of note on the RJSC's website - Revoked for Non-Payment November 2, 2005.

Wait for the new nrg, its going to be much different then the first or second nrg

Yeah. That's what was said before. Now look what happened.

You should all know that the bar has reopened effective January 6, 2005 and chances are that the name will be changing. The back bar on the main level is going to become an after hours bar opening @ 4am. Stay tuned to see what is going on.


- I wouldn't call those making comments on here haters, some of us might actually go back and support whoever does a better (read - more professional) job than peter could have ever done. Two positive things have already occured: Peter is gone and new owners are taking over. If they can get new staff that doesn't treat their customers like shit and gossip about who all comes into the place then they can make a go at it.

Driving by and seeing GaryTurner and one of the guys from BlueMoon chatting outside leads me to believe that he is probably sucking up to keep his job. The new owners need to staff this place with a fresh crew, not the same old tired queens who migrated out of the basement down the road. Sounds cruel but its sooo true.

Peter should be paying his bills. Most people know Peter has had financial difficulties even when NRG was at it's former location. There are staff that have not been paid. Face it, ReflectionsCabaret is much better than NRG. NRG has one of the worst sound systems, with speakers from the 1990's, the staff are rude, loud, and the major gossip scene at NRG is 10 times worse than ReflectionsCabaret. The main floor will be the new SubRosa.

Now that everyone has determined that the joint is closed ... whats all the fuss about ?? The man couldn't keep turning a profit and closed the doors ..Happens everyday in business... So what it's closed..get over it ... move on... Peter has !

I say people need to get over the fact that Peter has sold the downstairs portion. There are new owners, it is open, so move on folks. _____________________________________________________________________

You are so right Peter HAS sold the nrg spot and it has NEW owners and it is OPEN, so either go or don't go but stop bitching about it. This place has nothing to do with peter so if he was your reason for not going then you have no reason to not go now.........................................................................sounds like peter got smart..and gets out of the may do well then maybe?...check..reg stock..see who the new owners are...ohh 1 more thing i think peter is a good guy..but cheap,and cant deal with some of u its better he does go underground...he was at menz bar sat nite checking things out...ummmmm...things get real interesting now dont ya think...

As a former employee of Mr PeterMoll, I would like to express NO SYMPATHY whatsoever on him basically going bankrupt. Working for him was hell, there was never a compliment, always bad criticism. When it came to money, he's a tight ass prick (ie: a huge whoppin 40 dollar bonus for xmas and maybe 4 free drink tickets, if u were lucky that year). I'm happy to see him GONE, unfortunately hes STILL runnin the upstairs/evolution, and HOW? i have no idea...just close it down old chum, and get out of the city, and hopefully dont ever come back. Anyway, on to the people who MADE the bar....the staff!!!...u guys (including myself at the time) never got the appreciation we deserved and u know it! just happy i got outta there when i did, and away from that moron Peter. I'm happy to say im friends with each and everyone of you still@ the staff and will continue to be. And also proud to say i was the first to leave Peters ass back in May before the other 14-15 left. SO, to the new owners, i hope u make it out to be a great spot, unlike Mr Moll, who has proven himself out to be a true IDIOT...for the second time...need i mention *Millenium*??? One last note...i have ONE thing to say to my old boss/asshole...... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!

Sincerely, TroyWard

And for any of u who would like to BITCH at me, go for it, but make sure u leave yer name...which i know u prolly wont...but remember, *I* worked for the man...u didnt! TA TA FOR NOW!

I agree with what troy said. Peter should just face the facts and give up. No ones gonna go to his evolution bar, unless he has really good drink specials.

Information about the new owners can be found at Flux


For those of you who believe that (D)evolution was a step in the right direction, let's see what you think when you arrive at the door to find a ten- or fifteen-dollar cover charge waiting for you! Yeah, sometimes it's only five dollars, but don't expect any kind of consistency.

But they always have a reason... like, "We've brought in DJs from Montreal!" (or Toronto or wherever). Who cares?! Techno-crap is techo-crap, no matter where it comes from. (And why the hell does THAT count as live entertainment?) AFAIC, you could go down to your basement, crank up the sump pump, and listen to it through the livingroom floor. It's pretty much the same thing.

Last I was there, some of the old regulars were coming in only to shake their heads at the cover charge and promptly LEAVE! The crowd now, by and large, consists of twenty-somethings who show up at one o'clock or later.

And to those of you who want to see the old staff gone, I Sooo disagree... They were the lifeblood of the place! They were what made it a Community... instead of just a collection of drunken strangers, which is what it is now.

AFAIK, John Paul is still there -- one of the most dedicated bartenders NRG/Evolution's ever had.

Billy, who quit for reasons no one'll disclose, was the friendly, intelligent, and easy-going guy who could make a slow night a social one. He always liked to chat with the customers when it wasn't busy.

I think Nelson is gone too. Don't know why... maybe he quit as well? He was the guy whose dancing behind the bar put the energy into NRG!

In any case, you'll never convince me that the old staff were ANY kind of reason to stay away from the place. But, hey, everybody has their preferences... That's what NRG was all about once upon a time.

Anyway, that's just my four dollars and twenty-five cents (the price of a drink at Evolution :)


Billy quit because peter could not pay him. Peter hasn't got a dime to his name. God knows how he's still running Evolution.

heard nelson lost his job cause he said no to peter about dating again

Billy is working down in the BlueMoonBistro on the was great to see him. Oh, and drink prices are much cheaper the end of the night (when you're drunk and don't care how much your next drink is) the price is $4.25 up at Evolutions...I think I'll take my business downstairs,pay $2.75 for the same drink, and enjoy Billy's company behind the bar.

and get something good to eat.

If you don't like the cover charge at Evolution during the special events then don't go, don't pay it!! And just because you personally don't appreciate House or Techno doesn't mean that there are not lots of others out there that do. The cost of some of these DJ's from the US and Europe is not easily recouped at $5 a head, so any smart bar owner would raise the cover charge to cover his costs! Peter is doing what he needs to do to stay in business. Regardless of how you feel about him personally many of the things he does are smart business moves, like dumping Mr. TroyWard as DJ. Troy sucked!!

And so has every over priced DJ that he has brought into evolution so far, and i like house music.

It'd be nice to see some Variety! Techno DJ after techno DJ doesn't cut it for me. Bring in a non-techno DJ once in a while... or a band... or even the occasional drag show (it's supposed to be an alternative bar, as I understand it). But if I'm gonna pay $15 for entry, give me something other than "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!" ad infinitum.

Yeah it's starting to sound like Reflections on a Friday night.....and Saturday night come to think of it too, lol - N!

And from what I've seen of the place, most people don't care what they're listening to. The last time I saw it almost bustling, most of the people were in the smoking room... Only One person was on the dance floor.

Like everything, the Evolutions site is going to have it's own transitional period to deal with...look, people aren't used to paying over $5.00 to get into a bar on Gottingen Street, they aren't used to having DJ's from the U.S. and Europe. They are used to paying their $3.00 cover on a Friday or Saturday night and staying for the cheap drinks (that the original NRG was famous for, any night of the week) and that is what some of these people still want. It almost didn't even matter that the DJ was a packed house (Old NRG), the drinks were cheap, and you were having fun. So yes, people are going to start bucking the 'new ways' when they are faced with a $10.00 or $15.00 cover charge to get in the door, then have to pay $4.25 per drink when they are all used to something much different. It's going to take some time, I guess, to get the new format of Evolutions moving...they are obviously gearing towards a different type of crowd, and us poor schmucks who would rather not listen to Techno or House music are going to have to find another place to call home. No sense trashing anyone about it, it's just a fact. The times, they are a-changin'.

Oh its true that Evolution is going for a different crowd - a straight one by the look of their recent ads in the Coast. Of course the straight community doesn't know about Peter's ways. I'm sure he'll burn too many in that group and end up right back to square one again.

We can only hope.

Peter is gonna cater to the rave and house crowds, and bringing in DJ's from elsewhere. TommyKnuckles? the promoter had a show coming up soon there. they just want a venue.

ok, we saw this coming - last spring, peter pisses off/rips off macleather, this summer he spends like $10 on a "float" in the pride parade, and now he abandons the gay community altogether. i think we can safely say FUCK YOU PETER

I personally don't wish ill will on the man, though he did make his own bed and he is definately feeling what it's like to sleep in it alone. I agree that we all saw this coming, but noone could have predicted that it would happen as swiftly and as soundly as it did. One can argue that it was an even/steven sort of abandonment in regards to Peter blowing off the gay that it worked both ways (kind of like a 'which came first, the chicken or the egg' sort of thing, really)...I think that for the most part, some believed the negative stuff that was being spewed about Peter from within the whole Halifax Pride issue and that truly was the beginning of the end. Agreed, however, that the MACLeather thing was pretty much on the mark (bait and switch is never good in business) and everything just escalated from there. It is a shame, because there was a time that he had a very good business going and could have prospered had he just stayed put and improved what he already had. But, that is just an assumption, as we all know the outcome of his business we'll never really know what 'could have been'.

Very well put.

I have to say that, as a customer, Peter treated me well. I'm not clear on the problems he had with staff or with the gay community (although there're some insights on this wiki), but he knew how to tell a good customer from a bad one... and how to treat the good one accordingly.

In sharp contrast, Reflections treats you like scum as soon as you walk in the door... First they wand you, then it's "Check yer coat!!" And why the hell can't I bring my beer into the can? What am I gonna do, Drink it?! I've asked the bouncer to watch it while I'm in there, only to come out and find it unattended. Great security!

K, number one....they wand you at most bars...get over it. Number 2...check you coat? get real ding-dong, coat check is so the bar doesnt get packed with jackets and then people wont be crying bloody shame when their coats get "liquored", so to avoid the messy smelly coats...put em in coat check or leave em home. Number three, your beer isn't their responsibility to watch, if they DO watch someones beer, big deal, you should get a friend to watch yours for you, or finish the damn thing, THEN go piss. They really do try to accomidate everyone by treating everyone the same: protect everyones saftey by wanding everyone so as to stop potential weapons from entering the bar like guns or knifes.....Preventing booze in the bathroom cuts down on the amount of debris and fluid floating around like in other establishments...and making you check your coat prevents you from giving the staff unnecessary headaches because oo oo oo someone picked your pockets.

They don't wand me at the bars *I* go to... Nor do they require that I check my coat. My coat, and whatever's in it, is my responsibility. Maybe *you're* content to pay to put up with barked orders from Reflections' little goon squad... I'm not.

let me explain someting to ya people, the whole problem over Peter and the PrideCommittee was this. They wanted him to give them a great deal of money to be put on the posters etc. Peter had at the time they approached him just recently moved NRG down to 2215 Gottingen. He told them he had no money to give them, after years of supporting them you would think they would understand that a business that just moved locations would be short on funds!! Instead what they did was get angry and through bad word of mouth they tried to put Peter out of business and prevent him from obtaining a Cabaret License. When a businessman tells you he doesn't have the funds to support you the last thing you do is go out and start a smere campaign.

OMG People move on ... NRG has been fucked for several years now... anyone could have seen this coming.. the business went under for what ever reason .. move on to something that is still alive and worth saving !!!

the PrideCommittee should be re-staffed with fresh young people like the kids at the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual least EVERYTHING those kids put on and organized ACTUALLY went through without a hitch PLUS everybody everyone landed up happy and they could donate money or not!! Or better yet, staff it with more queers who aren't into drugs, drinking excessivly or things like...oh i dont know....tryign to put their nose in other peoples private business. or inthis case, public business. if someone cat afford to donate money, then fuck off and find another source. this schoolyard bullying tactic is a little old.

KIDS?!?!?!? I thought they were kids (no offence to the little queers at the YouthProject, of course, at least they act mature)


1. Copied from ClubVortex page