
🌈Deva Station🌈

Facebook page here.

pic An evening with Deva Station (Thats Dev Ah, not Diva!) is an evening that celebrates glamour and her own personal brand of Girl Power. Her no-nonsense humour gives both men and women permission to celebrate beauty, confidence and above all Love. Deva is an Elder of the Halifax Drag Community and loves to recognize and help new and upcoming talent as the Ultimate Drag Auntie.

Seven feet tall in hair and heels, and an attitude through the roof, Deva is a polished, experienced and seasoned performer who has seen it all over the years, appearing regularly on television and in movies. With on her own production company StationDRG? Media Productions she is currently producing two shows Queens Ranting and now as the host of Apocalyptic Kitchen (available on Bell FibeTV? One) which is currently in its third season.

Professional to the core, she and her pit crew work seamlessly with producers and event planners to ensure every detail is as flawless as her hair and makeup.

Deva is the author of the fun and informative series about face for beginners, entitled Drag 101, originally published in WayvesMagazine starting in the summer of 2003.

🌈Drag Family Tree🌈

Community Love

AmandaBenzova writes: You deserve SO much more credit than you are given! You always look amazing and are a great performer! Im thankful you have given me the oppertunity to stand by you this year. Being my last year doing it, Im gonna make damn good and sure we go out with a bang.. as your logo stated, "after boom comes devastation" there never gonna know what hit em! hehe xo

I would like to add that if it wasn't for her, my hair would look almost as bad as the rest of them!

DevaStation I have never met anyone more of a chamelon as you. From a handsome husband to a breath taking drag queen. My life has forever been changed since you came into it. I will forever be greatful to god for his wonderful gift to me--YOU! All my love, DynaMight

RougeFatale writes: Well, hold on to your crown poodle, cause we are gonna show this circut that the Halifax court is going to be a force to be reckoned with, and im packing my jiffy pop dress to go on those road trips outta town. I am honoured to call you my Empress and privliged to call you one of my newest friends. and remember what i gave you at brunch , it will help you to be true to yourself and true to your court. I know that as long as Deva Station is rockin a show, i will be there to make sure she gets drunk and sees boobs backstage(wink) all my love RougeFatale.

This page is for one of many for Halifax DragQueens.