Her Royal Highness, Personal Princess to Emperor 6, Anita Mann
Anita Mann Lott was MzNrg 2004/2005 as well as MzBigWig 2004/2005. And on July 4, 2005 she was voted in as Mz. International Drag Community on the International Drag Community yahoo group by her peers and people all across the world who are members. She was also Halifax's first and only DragQueenSurvivor (2004) and was a contestant in the Halifax PrideAmbassador III contest. Anita is a drag daughter to QueenOfDiamonds III, MonaLott. Neet was a bartender at the former ClubNrg and is known for her upbeat numbers such as "Smells like teen spirit" and "You make me wanna la-la". She has also impersonated singers like Kelly Clarkson and Cyndi Lauper.
Personal Note from Anita: I would like to thank everyone for their kind words. Although I have some thank you's to say: First of all to
MonaLott : Thank you for everything you have taught me. You taught me make up, lip sync, everything that I needed to know. And you have been one of the best friends anyone could ask for.
NatasshaNlott : You have pushed me to do things with drag even when I was ready to give it up and thought it was a bunch of bullshit, even though half the time it is still a bunch of bullshit I have learned how to make it fun. And you have also been there to listen to me bitch about everything and listened, you have been a wicked friend and thank you!
LeeBent : Without you I would never had made it through the last few years of drag...props, posters and encouragement is what you always brought to me. Thank You.
GaryTurner : No matter how much I have wanted to give up or didn't want to enter a pagaent because I never felt I was good enough, you were always there pushing me and having faith in me. Now I call you Monster-In-Law once again. Thank you for always being there for the early morning talks over coffee while I was suppose to be cleaning the bar and thank you for always keeping me on my toes and having the faith in me that I didn't.
ShaydaBlack : Well what can I say, third time better be a charm...lol Anyways we have had our ups and downs let me say that to begin with but when everything else is out of the way look where we are, I really don't think I need to explain anything else other than that.
DivadDivine : Well well well Diva, lets see what I can say about Widescreen, I moved into her apartment when I first came to Halifax, said I would never be in womens clothing or make up. Then I go out to the bar with her once to Cerina's show then 3 Pride's ago I am in drag...thanks Diva for giving me another addiction...lol Love ya girly
Thank U to all that was mentioned and to anyone who has helped and supported me who was not mentioned I have not forgotten you it would just take way too long to write about everyone. And to those who are out there saying shit and being petty little queens and you know who you are, I have won, there is nothing you can do to me to bring me down and you know what, watch your step, it could be slippery :) I promise!
And to all my faithful friends, I am coming back :D
Anita Mann Lott Handbag Decliffe Cockadoo Fatale Black 69 Starr DeKnight
CerinaRomanoffBlake writes: Anita you have came so far. You used to be terrible. Now you are a wonderful performer and you are extremely sexy.
You are fab dear hart!!
MadalynnAndrews writes: Anita I have watched you grow from the time you arrived until now. The improvements have been amazing!! You are a great Performer and definately someone I consider a friend.... I am so glad I have gotten to know you and will continue to do so! Cheers xoxoxox Madalynn
SharonBedz writes: Good job on MzBigWig last night. Thank you for getting me into drag. Smoochies.
RougeFatale writes: Congrats babe! make that bar proud this year, and we have to host together again real soon! love your tied for second runner up for Mz NRG(lol) Rouge fatale!
DawnDavenport writes: Congrats girl on winning Mz NRG, i am sure you will do a great job, representing a great bar.
DivadDivine writes: Anita sweetie congrats on being crowned Miss NRG 2005, you deserve it sweetie! 3 title nows, my god what a wonderful year you are having! lol You are an awesome performer and friend, and I am glad that despite all the ups and downs we have remained friends sweetie! You have made your original drag momma very proud! Now have fun with your reign as Miss NRG and you know anytime you need me I am there for ya!! Love ya
SharonBedz writes: Amazed is the words that come to mind when i think of your win. You were the last one I expected and it was one of the most pleasant surprises i have ever got.It makes me very proud to be a Mann(lol) and thur the scary highs and the crazy lows and the rich creamy middles i am glad to call you a friend.You dreserve this title . Smoochies from sharon ~mwahs~
Lilly Patterson: Love you girl, wanted to say thanks for all the encouragement and opportunities,,love performing in your shows. that cher number you did the other night blew my mind,,,your one of my favorites and i love that smile!
JuicyFruit write: Girl, I dont know where to start. You are an absolutely fabulous performer and I would spend my last dollar to see a show you were in. Keep up all that fabulous work.
Hey girl.. just want to say thank you for always being yourself.. You are An amazing person and you have a heart of solid Gold.. Thank you for being a great friend... and remeber what I told you.... wink wink Love your west Coast Girl-friend Mz-starr69
NatasshaNlott writes: What can I say girl? You've been there through everything in drag and you're such a great friend. Always love hosting with you even if I always do all the work while you get messy.. LOL. We are most the queens of walking around at 4 am in the ghetto. Look out Halifax, get used to the name Anita Mann.
LeeBent: Anita, it's been a a run of the gauntlet and I will always cherish the great times we shared. You'll always have a place in my heart and a friend to defend you at your side. A friend- you look good in drag
JuicyFruit: girlie, its been a grand year indeed. I cannot think of a better Mz NRG as you were. Congrats on an awesome year!
Hey hun hoping you guys are well thinking about you often hugs to you all
Love, Ms. Starr69 Ms. Gay Vancouver 23, B.C. Empress XXX1 1/2 Vancouver, Washington
AnitaMann writes: Thanks to everyone for their kind words, July, 2006 should be a memorable one, Anita is coming back in full force and I hope to see you all there for it. Love you all.
JuicyFruit writes: Coming back full force? Oh great, that means Juicy will be dragged back (no pun intended) to the scene full time. Fun times ahead for sure. Woooohoooo!!!
DivadDivine writes: OMF back full force, look at Halifax, and look out all you other queens this girl kicks ass when you least expect it! And now there is a tiny bit more weight to that kick lol Sorry Neet had to say it! lmao Hmm why can I see a reunion of the Halifax Idol judges and hosts coming soon lmao Oh most fun times those where me and Juicy Fruit getting loaded and screaming at the cute boys!!! I miss those wed nights hehe Love ya gurl and glad to see ya coming back.
This page is for one of many for Halifax DragQueens.