Imperial Sovereign Court of Atlantic Nova Society, Inc.



ISCANS was founded by SimonAbbass? AKA NinaDiamonds and co-founded by GaryTurner, JustinTurner AKA ShaydaBlack, LindaPublicover and ShawnLamb AKA ShaneltaRomanovBlake in 1999.

Their plan was a fundraising society, and after several months the Society got off the ground. It has since become one of Halifax's leading fundraising groups raising much-needed funds for all charities, not just gay oriented.


ISCANS began when SimonAbbass? contacted the Empress of Canada ted northe, the founder of the court system in Canada in 1968. After the first crowning of Halifax's Monarchs by the Empress of Canada ted northe was proud to announce that Canada could brag it had a court system from sea to sea. The Halifax court grew and soon it applied to be part of the International Court System.

Halifax is now part of The International Imperial Court System, which was founded in 1965 in San Francisco by Empress Jose I The widow Norton and now has branches in over 70 cities around the in Canada and the USA. The main event for all Courts is their annual Coronation/Adornment at which The new Heads of State are crowned and funds are dispersed to the yearly charities.

The Heads of State are elected by the community to represent the society for 1 full year plus their dowager year. For an Imperial Court they are Emperor & Empress and for a Barony they are Baron & Baroness. Any member of the Society may apply to run for these positions if they have been members in good standing for at least one year and over age 21. They must go before a panel of their peers and are subjected to a series of questions followed by a vote of the panel. They must receive majority vote to be accepted. If accepted they must actively campaign for 3 weeks followed by which an election is held, including polling station, ballots and official tabulators. The results are only known to the tabulators and are revealed Coronation night.

The Society positions:

See IsCansTitles for a history of who had what title over the years.

Main web page at: Facebook group:

August 19, 2020
message from PatrickRoy?, Prime Minister of Reign 19,, officially cancelling the coronation this year. An end of year celebration will be happening on October 24, 2020,
July, 2018
RJSC (ID 3042245) lists Directors of the Society: BrianHines?, Chair; DaleJohnson?, Vice Chair; PatrickRoy?, Secretary; DougBennett?, Treasurer; LindaPublicover (RJSC agent); AllanDowding?
June 10, 2020
RJSC: RichardSmith? "Emperor"; StephenPoole? "Treasurer"; SheldonMyette? "Premier"; LindaPublicover "Auditor of the Court"; BruceHayre & PatrickRoy? "Director".

Members of Parliament for 2010 - 2011

... missing data for 2007, 2008, and 2009

Members of Parliament for 2006 - 2007

Members of Parliament for 2005 - 2006

Beneficiaries for 2006 - 2007

Beneficiaries for 2005 - 2006

Other Past Beneficiaries

Financial Summaries

Source: Registry Of Joint Stock Companies

Oct 2001 - 31 Jan 2002
Opening balance: $0; total income: $2453; donations paid out: 1300 IWK Grace NeoNatal? Unit, 1300 Loon Lake Cherry Brook Education Fund; WTCC event cleared $515; ending balance: $1819.
Year ending 31 Jan 2003
No income & expense data filed. Ending balance: $3563.
Year ending 31 Oct 2003
Total income: $14,818; donations paid out: $6295; Adornment cost $4,024 & brought in $3,025. Ending balance: $4612
Year ending 21 Nov 2004
Total income: $20,097.60 (mostly from Coronation, about $6,000 and donations, about $3,000, and special events, about $3000, and shows, about $2,000) Total expenses: $20,097.60 (donations paid out: about $13,000; Coronation about $3,000; special event expenses about $2,000.) Closing balance: $1,773.07; bank balance as-of Jan 15, 2005: $6,678.97 (difference is in outstanding un-cashed cheques.)
October 21, 2021
"Effective today, we have removed the 19th Elected Monarch, ShaylaShenanigans. He/She has been stricken from our records and all titles given have officially been removed." from Prime Minister of Reign 20, AllanDowding?.
If you want more financial information, make an appointment with the society's Finance Minister or request the statements from the Registry of Joint Stocks.