1978 Pride March
=1978 Pride= ===RobinMetcalfe=== We had a conference march down Spring Garden to Barrington - it was . . . AnthonyWallace confirms, "It rained"{{2025-01-14 TurretMemories fb group}} . . .
2K - last updated 2025-01-14 15:31 by DanielMacKay
1981 TheTurret 01
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/RandyKennedy/2013-04/1981_TheTurret_01.jpg Christmas In July, 1981. Photo . . . by RandyKennedy, EmeraldGibson and RegGiles in TurretMemories, 2023-06. Randy says: JimDeYoung took . . . JimDeYoung{{2023-06 RandyKennedy in TurretMemories}} Emerald writes: Back row : Syrita . . . side of the rainbow{{2023-06 RandyKennedy in TurretMemories 2023-06}} ThomDay writes: <pre> I was . . .
2K - last updated 2024-02-15 17:55 by DanielMacKay
1982 Pride March
=1982 Pride= ===Reg Giles=== The first parade was the year we put a sound system in WilsonHodder's van . . . another year of that in the van.{{2025-01-15 TurretMemories post}} . . .
1K - last updated 2025-01-15 10:29 by DanielMacKay
1984-09 Murder
===Queerbashing grows into a brutal murder=== Reprinted from the 1985-01 ''The Body Politic'' By RobinMetcalfe . . . in Dartmouth, quiet super nice guy.{{2022-09-27 TurretMemories}} . . .
4K - last updated 2024-09-27 11:09 by DanielMacKay
=Clairemarie Haley= d. 2014-08-25 https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/ClairemarieHaley/1984.jpg 1984. Photo from . . . gay affair indeed! When she and JuanitaPooley{{TurretMemories identifies her. There is a photo of . . .
3K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:46 by DanielMacKay
=Dan Sanford, 1949-05-04 - early '90s= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/DanSanford/1993_ca.jpg ===MertMattice . . . amused.{{2023-05-04 MertMattice's posting in TurretMemories}} . . .
1K - last updated 2023-05-08 22:31 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/DarrylFerneyhough/Darryl-15p5.jpg Darryl Ferneyhough went missing on the morning . . . St{{2020-05-13, Charley Corkum-Cleveland, in TurretMemories, "I saw him many times at the store."}} . . .
10K - last updated 2025-01-15 10:21 by DanielMacKay
=Dene Roach= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/DeneRoach/1980_ca.jpg Dene Roach The Cigarette Lady Birthday: . . . -02-15{{TurretMemories posting by EmeraldGibson}} Feminine, . . .
1K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:54 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/FredBerringer/ca1980.jpg Circa 1980 Born ca. 1951, died 1986-08 at the age . . . circa 1981 RandyKennedy writes:{{2016-04-12 TurretMemories}} I remember when Fred came on the scene, . . .
3K - last updated 2020-12-20 17:39 by DanielMacKay
=Fred Rowe= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/FredRowe/obituary.jpg 1961-08-03 -- 2017-07-29 Fred appears in . . . but lived many years in New Brunswick.{{2020-10 TurretMemories}} From his obituary: Following a graceful . . .
2K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:46 by DanielMacKay
==GAE & GALA== ==Gay Alliance for Equality & Gay And Lesbian Alliance== This page documents the history . . . and the Women's Housing Cooperative.{{2017-04-17 TurretMemories posting by SueBurns, includes poster . . .
11K - last updated 2024-10-15 15:44 by DanielMacKay
=Gay Grey Apartment Building= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GayGreyApartmentBuilding/1977.jpg 1977. Photo . . . lived there from 1977-06 til 1981-12."{{2020-12 TurretMemories}} * BarryHeath & PatrickMurphy (lovers . . . room on the right{{2019-05-15 RobinMetcalfe, in TurretMemories}} * HalForbes{{2019-05-14 ScottMacNeil . . . in TurretMemories.}} The house took on its "gay" element . . . have the the privilege to know!{{2019-05-14 in TurretMemories.}} The last unit in the building, a . . .
4K - last updated 2022-11-29 15:02 by DanielMacKay
Here are a few hangouts for the Q community in Halifax ==Current== * AlterEgosCafe on Gottingen St. * . . . on Spring Garden{{2018-04-06 ChrisShepherd in TurretMemories}} * The GAE crowd hung out in the coffee . . .
3K - last updated 2024-03-30 08:13 by KirkF
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GreenLantern/1970_ca_postcard.jpg Postcard ca. 1970 courtesy RobinMetcalfe. . . . St, was called Alma's. {{2013-11-03 TimHare in TurretMemories}} "The only place where you could get . . . in a cup and saucer!"{{2013-11-03 JerryScott in TurretMemories}} DeneRoach: "Always a major blast on . . . "restaurant" called Alma's."{{2022-10-02? TurretMemories}} GordonThomas: The first job I had . . . then partied at David’s on Saturday{{2022-10-05? TurretMemories}} [https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GreenLantern/2005_ca_green_lantern_block.jpg . . .
6K - last updated 2024-12-04 10:40 by DanielMacKay
=Henry Bundy= [[image/photo:Media:HenryBundy/1982_ca_3_400.jpg|Early 1980s|Media:HenryBundy/originals/1982_ca_3.jpg|Early . . . And here I thought I was passing!{{2020-04-09 TurretMemories}} NorvalCollins : It must have been . . . him who he was, just Bundy!! RIP{{2020-12-20 TurretMemories}} RogerStoddard : I was privileged to . . . he’s been gone for 21 years already!{{2020-12-20 TurretMemories}} [[image/right:https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/HenryBundy/1982_ca_1.jpg| . . .
5K - last updated 2024-12-11 21:05 by DanielMacKay
=Jerry States= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/JerryStates/1982_ca.jpg 1961-02-03 - 1993-02-19 Jerry B States . . . Sammy (Tommys lover) are all passed.{{2020-09 TurretMemories}} . . .
2K - last updated 2021-02-03 11:36 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/JohnMerkleysGlamourClub/1988_summer.jpg Summer 1988: StephenJay, BillSoper, . . . others moved on. {{2017-01-09 DavidBackman in TurretMemories}} TimHare says, "They were always good . . .
1K - last updated 2020-12-20 17:46 by DanielMacKay
=The Jury Room= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/JuryRoom/1977-04_AlKeith.png Owner Al Keith In the 1970s, . . . and partying with the straight boys.{{2018-01-07 TurretMemories}} [[https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/JuryRoom/1977_ca_article.jpg . . .
4K - last updated 2024-12-03 22:11 by DanielMacKay
=Keith Beeler 1955 - 1993-03-21= One of the managers of [[RumoursBar|Rumours]]. Born in Bridgewater, . . . CliffLeJeune & RandyKennedy on TurretMemories}}. He was survived by his lifelong companion, . . .
1K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:49 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/KevinSimons/1980s_ca.jpg =Kevin Simons= ===RegGiles writes=== I was browsing . . . old posts in TurretMemories and came across this photo. Kevin and . . .
2K - last updated 2024-09-04 07:42 by DanielMacKay
Full name: "DON'T BE AFRAID: LGBTQ AWARENESS SOCIETY" * Incorporated 2014-07-04 * Defaulted 2017-09-07 . . . says: It's Scott Jones company I would say{{TurretMemories}} HistoryProjectTodoList . . .
1K - last updated 2020-12-20 17:48 by DanielMacKay
LorneIzzard JoanieBillard
http://gay.hfxns.org/pics/1980_ca_LorneIzzard_JoanieBillard.jpg LorneIzzard & JoanieBillard. This photo . . . services hence the line up to get in.{{2020-09 TurretMemories}} This photo appears on page 133 of . . .
1K - last updated 2020-12-20 17:49 by DanielMacKay
Empress VI of Halifax 2005-10-22 -- 2006-08-02 Who can forget such performances as the Natalie/Nat "King" . . . says, "Is on the board of [[ISCANS]]"{{TurretMemories}} ---- This page is for one of many . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-23 19:59 by KirkF
=The Purple Penguin= At [[1537 Barrington]], late 1997 to 1998. The business name, "The Purple Penguin . . . and DaleHarrington.{{2021-01-06 note in TurretMemories by DeniceSmith}} Externally it was signed . . .
1K - last updated 2024-02-19 09:06 by DanielMacKay
On Natal Day, 1983 (I think) I decided to dress up as Laverne and go march in the Natal day Parade. I . . . by journalist BrandonMatheson.{{2021-09 TurretMemories posting by Randy, "It is me. The pictures . . .
4K - last updated 2021-09-26 09:34 by DanielMacKay
=Rumours Club= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/Rumours/1993_interior.jpg 1993. Photo scanned from Queer Looking, . . . to prove you are what you eat!!" {{2017-04-01 TurretMemories}} ---- This page is part of the HistoryProject. . . .
11K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:49 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/SistersEliteandCompany/banner.jpg Founded on 1981-05-24, the original members . . . his first performance of his life.{{2021-05-24 TurretMemories}} Members no longer with us: GaryWest, . . .
3K - last updated 2021-05-25 07:32 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/SteveBillard/obit.jpg =Steve Billard= 1957 - 2024-05-20 Born in Dartmouth. . . . Obituary posted to TurretMemories by RegGiles, "All I seem to post these . . .
1K - last updated 2024-06-01 11:04 by DanielMacKay
=The Meat Rack= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TheMeatRack/1960s_ca.jpg 1960s https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TheMeatRack/1940_ca.jpg . . . gay men.{{2018-01, BarryHeath & MikeSangster in TurretMemories}} . . .
1K - last updated 2024-12-03 20:22 by DanielMacKay
The Turret
=The Turret= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/1588_Barrington/2020_ca.jpg ca. 2020 In 1976-01 (possibly 1976-01-09{{Dan's . . . / Pink Triangle Day{{2024-02-23 RobinMetcalfe, TurretMemories}} Cabaret in 1980-02, AnneFulton had . . . the part of "Sissy"{{2024-02-23 AnthonyWallace, TurretMemories}}. Melanie and Scarlet fell in love . . .
14K - last updated 2025-01-02 18:24 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TommyBurns/ca1976.jpg Tommy Burns ca. 1976 =Tommy Burns= 1946-01-06 - 2022-08-20{{https://www.dartmouthfuneralhome.ca/obituary/thomas-tom-burns}} . . . of things I did not know.{{2022-08-26 TurretMemories post by Reg}} In 2022-06 * [https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2049728067512 . . .
4K - last updated 2024-01-18 16:21 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TommyMiller/1980_silver.jpg Ca. 1980. JimDeYoung photo. ===1940 -- 2020=== . . . anyone which I have done until now.{{2017-03-31 TurretMemories}} -- RandyKennedy ---- I finally got . . . LGBT community. He will be missed.{{2017-03-31 TurretMemories}} -- RandyKennedy ---- As of Friday, . . .
6K - last updated 2022-08-08 13:09 by DanielMacKay
=Turret Memories= Facebook group for people who attended [[The Turret]]. ==Description== (probably written . . .
2K - last updated 2020-12-20 17:44 by DanielMacKay
=Zzhivagos Bar= Readers of WayvesMagazine saw a hunky hunky torso in their ad - the owner (Someone writes: . . . and actually pay us for our shows.{{2020-07-07 TurretMemories}} DarrellFougere writes: I remember . . . a bar, not sure how long it lasted.{{2020-07-07 TurretMemories}} BarendKamperman writes: I remember . . . up, handsome bouncer. (Sigh!){{2020-07-07 TurretMemories}} This was one of the GayBars; this . . .
2K - last updated 2020-12-20 17:53 by DanielMacKay
34 pages found.