== The Rant == AnonymousCoward writes: Across Canada, Halifax is known to be overun by DragQueens and . . . all, I was like you and never got me no wheres. CapnDan writes: Dear NineteenYearOldOne: How about . . . and TipsForContributors. from 19 year old,- Capndan- you are right, but you should be telling other . . .
9K - last updated 2023-09-24 10:26 by DanielMacKay
AssumptionsCampaign ==How do you know what you know?== It . . . ones who won't get tested in our community??? CapnDan writes: this is an important message, people. . . .
6K - last updated 2020-05-13 18:59 by DanielMacKay
That is, nude beaches. ==Nova Scotia== . . . in a Provincial Park. ==Comments & Reviews== CapnDan says: * KellysBeach: a bit of a hike. Kind . . .
4K - last updated 2020-05-13 18:59 by DanielMacKay
Here's a list of corporations and organizations who allegedly treat GayPeople badly: * Big Brothers And . . . Is there anything to the (alleged) firing story? CapnDan writes: ''The skeleton of the story is true, . . .
3K - last updated 2021-05-22 14:53 by DanielMacKay
BenDover * First MrReflections 2000-2001 * *award* Entertainer of . . . hilarious, who found the link to my cock!! ''CapnDan writes: you're welcome :-)'' That's awesome, . . .
4K - last updated 2024-04-30 17:52 by KirkF
CapnDan Online nick of DanielMacKay . . .
1K - last updated 2006-02-21 18:51 by 1441
Some initial notes, 2001-12-28: * Organized religion in general is dying * The Catholic Church is dying . . . apologizing for all the bad things in the world. CapnDan responds: well I dunno what to say. The words . . . without resorting to FireAndBrimstone speeches? CapnDan says: Feel-goodism and filling some spiritual . . .
5K - last updated 2019-09-18 12:13 by DanielMacKay
Also see: ComingOutStories ---- I came out of the closet when I was 17 years old, and I can laugh about . . . Beautiful ---- that's a GREAT story Danny!!! -CapnDan ---- Here's mine. When I was 19 I met this . . .
4K - last updated 2005-06-04 12:00 by 1441
'''CapnDan writes''': what protocol you use, depends on location, that is, which CruisingAreas. ==In . . .
4K - last updated 2012-11-27 10:15 by Jake
These links are common responses to people quoting scriptures to show that God does not approve of gays. . . . even more pointedly. I have a ton more, just ask CapnDan . . .
1K - last updated 2001-12-19 12:00 by 1441
Criticism of the locally-made porn movie DareToBeBare. The quality of the video is poor and the quality . . . permanently, if even just as a collector's item. CapnDan writes: Those pieces of advice are good but . . .
3K - last updated 2005-08-11 12:00 by 1441
By Rowland Croucher, 2000-10-02. ==Dear Dr. Laura,== Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding . . . Also unique and flavourful. Thankyou. - YamaTek CapnDan writes: you're welcome - until this came out, . . . side, basically the same as invoking GodwinsLaw? CapnDan says: ''my point exactly.'' ---- You may want . . .
4K - last updated 2020-07-13 11:18 by DanielMacKay
What a gay community encompasses is the collective union of people of all ages, interests, backgrounds, . . . group of people, some sharing similar interests. CapnDan says: this last paragraph is really more interesting . . . have some sort of freaky mind-control over. CapnDan writes: you '''have''' to see the musical play . . .
3K - last updated 2006-04-26 20:50 by CapnDan
How about a RecentChangesRss feed? has one, and it may just be a matter of formatting the recent . . . email my at with info. CapnDan writes: if you want everyone who is everyone . . .
2K - last updated 2014-06-07 00:45 by MikeGodfrey
This page is for kudos to the Big Gay Halifax Encyclopedia itself. Go us! * Jun 29th 2004: RobertAllan . . . a stable base." * Sep 26th 2004: <thechuck28> sure to send along my thanks to all who . . .
3K - last updated 2020-05-13 18:59 by DanielMacKay
This is one of many places where you can bash the 'pedia. This thing sucks because!! * ''fill in the . . . be clean Dan, let get rid of remarks not signed. CapnDan writes: help yourself! any unsigned bitchy . . .
2K - last updated 2020-08-28 10:20 by DanielMacKay
There are some amazing writers in Halifax. WayvesMagazine, the queer voice of Atlantic Canada, is hungry . . . February issue for the call for submissions! * CapnDan and many others write for WayvesMagazine * . . .
1K - last updated 2014-01-23 11:16 by Randall
Do you remember in school, wearing green on Thursdays meant that you were "that way" ?? ---- CapnDan . . .
4K - last updated 2007-01-31 06:59 by DanielMacKay
This was an early internet version of the online GayHangouts. Unlike, IRC is always available. . . . had pages on here: * AbSemen, AntnyCub, AquaBoi, CapnDan, ColKernel, DaBitch, DanOsaur, DySon, EthanNineteen, . . . SimBa, YummyBum * Channel Bot: BonMot (child of CapnDan) . . .
2K - last updated 2021-02-26 14:44 by DanielMacKay
KeithFudge Boat Cruise, Pride Day 2004 (2004-07-24) == Keith . . . September 24 & 25. He was walking on the street. CapnDan writes: after reviewing the above, I think . . .
123K - last updated 2024-01-29 08:52 by DanielMacKay
Correctly notated: Men'Sex '95 CapnDan writes: i have an empty folder with this as a decal on it. No . . .
1K - last updated 2023-06-26 19:55 by DanielMacKay
28 January, OfficerDick writes: I\x92m very impressed. DougMelanson and his business partner DavidLandry . . . would love to see.... Menz is a great place.!! CapnDan writes: see MenzBar for contestants and winner. . . .
6K - last updated 2006-01-29 12:00 by 1441
ReflectionsCabaret QueenOfHearts 1997-1998 and shooter girl. Mercedes was beautiful and was highly visible . . . DragQueens. This page NeedsPictureCategory. CapnDan says: get a pic to me, I'll put it on the net. . . .
1K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:49 by DanielMacKay
=Mike Godfreey= B 1981-03-19{{FaceBook}} Mike set up the wiki originally, back when the site was open-moderation. . . . CapnDan says on 2024-12-15: and a quarter century later . . .
1K - last updated 2024-12-15 13:41 by DanielMacKay mobile
September 2005: Hello Girl Friends..Its been a long time. I've hung up my heels for some time.. Maybe . . . found. In the near future I hope add on here. CapnDan writes: ''Just email them to . . . egg nog. MissKelly. lol MissKelly writes: hi CapnDan, About the Photo. I am not able to email it . . . to see what I can do.. bye for now, MissKelly CapnDan writes: ''Absolutely, get me the photos and . . .
4K - last updated 2024-01-23 20:28 by KirkF
CapnDan writes on April 4th, 2002: It is with deep sadness that I write that Norm Paddock has died after . . .
3K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:49 by DanielMacKay
==Comments From Readers== ==From 15/07/2004 12:50:54 PM: {thats_just_swell}your a really great . . . written 16/07/2004 11:21:11 AM: {CapnDan}they're fun! people love stories like that . . . 16/07/2004 11:12:26 AM: {CapnDan}That's a nice story about [[Mikey]], Reg! 12/08/2004 . . .
3K - last updated 2022-11-02 19:02 by DanielMacKay
==Recommended== * - completely free dating site. ==Others== * On this system, . . . but not in a rural area like the Maritimes."'' CapnDan says: be warned, you will be deluged with emails . . .
2K - last updated 2011-01-16 11:13 by 1441
PineausCafe July 2004 ==History== Pineau's Cafe was ''the'' gay restaurant . . . accessible, fully licensed, and air conditioned. CapnDan writes: "Good prices, good queer service, nice . . .
2K - last updated 2020-08-28 10:58 by DanielMacKay
[[image/photo:Media:RainbowRoom/1998-01_night.jpg|Ca. February 1998 photo by John Wambolt|Media:RainbowRoom/originals/1998-01_night.jpg|February . . . who could spot a cash cow on the horizon.}} ---- CapnDan writes: this place was everything that a gay . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-22 09:51 by KirkF
Content moved from ReflectionsCabaretSucks: ReflectionsCabaret is Halifax's premiere gay dance club, . . . few, *ahem* ''anticompetitive practices. '' ---- CapnDan writes: whatever your innuendo was babe, it's . . .
9K - last updated 2020-08-26 19:45 by DanielMacKay
When a gay/lesb/bi in Halifax says "The Second Cup", he/she means the one on SpringGardenRoad at Queen. . . . when we patronize this "gay" establishment. CapnDan would prefer to patronize a locally-gay-owned . . .
2K - last updated 2020-11-07 08:20 by DanielMacKay
DanielMacKay writes: I don't have time to write a complete OR NeutralPointOfView story so here's the . . . the rules to bring NS into the year 2004. CapnDan responds: read the transaction above. Put yourself . . . the NSLLB to regulate to a certain extent. CapnDan responds: all great ideas! Let's do it! . . .
6K - last updated 2021-10-16 08:25 by DanielMacKay
=David MacDonald, 1969-03-24 - 2017-04-18= Studio . . . Don't know the gurl personally though. ---- CapnDan writes: Well - Studio X was my tenant for several . . .
7K - last updated 2024-01-22 08:44 by KirkF
Volunteering is a GREAT way of meeting people! * HistoryProjectTodoList: ** Writing: we need older Halifax . . . do the same kind of search, and send the pics to CapnDan who'll make them available on the web for here. . . .
3K - last updated 2025-02-11 10:00 by DanielMacKay
===WIKI BATHROOM WALL=== * A lusty pick-up attempt? * Crude poetry? * Someone's personal life for 200? . . . the usual people the place to stir up drama. CapnDan writes: people have a right to write criticism . . .
12K - last updated 2006-09-03 01:37 by admin
==Websnatcher's Story== I have one...Years ago, I met a man at a certain bar, as the case always is, . . . I will never forget my thirtieth birthday. ; CapnDan writes: hang in there buddy. So he didn't want . . .
11K - last updated 2009-09-18 08:15 by DanielMacKay
37 pages found.